Inicio / Todos los artistas / Henri GOETZ / Composition 10


Composition 10

Grabado, 1984

Edición : 35/40

Editor : Galerie Paul Hervieu, Nice

Impresor : Maurice Rousseau, Nice

Catálogo : Josimov 84-10

38.00 cm. x 40.00 cm. | 14.96 in. x 15.75 in. (papel)

27.00 cm. x 29.00 cm. | 10.63 in. x 11.42 in. (imagen)

Moisture marks in the lower margin.
This engraving by Henri Goetz (1909-1989), one of the most important and innovative engravers of the twentieth century, was made according to a process developed by the artist himself in 1967, which now bears his name. 
Without abusing technical details, the "Goetz Process" renews the work of the engraver; by coating the plate to be engraved with a rough powder, the Carborundum, bound with a glue or a resin. The engraver digs grooves in this material and no longer in the plate. Goetz replaces the carborundum by blasted glass and continues to enrich his technique to give more freedom and effects. He publishes a book that is very successful. Miro was convinced by the new technique, as were Hartung, Bazaine and Clavé. In this beautiful plate, the colors are perfectly matched, the green and the brown-ochre give a warm and soothing tone. Lines punctuate the green part, they seem to converge towards a vanishing point, recalling the technique of geometric perspective, used by painters since the Italian Renaissance to create an effect of depth. Thus, Goetz creates a fictitious space, in which ochre circular or spherical shapes move freely. In the foreground, white floating forms with a delicate decorative pattern create a superb counterpoint to the darker background and punctuate the composition. Goetz is one of the very few artists of his time to create this three-dimensional space, which strikes the imagination; it is as if one is transported into an unknown, mysterious universe. There is nothing disturbing in this pictorial universe, far from the tumult of the world.

La obra está en muy buen estado
Firmada a mano por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad

Ref : LCD2750

450.00 €

($489.26 - £380.22 - CHF 432,34)

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