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Grabado, 1977
Edición : /95 ex.
63.00 cm. x 91.00 cm. | 24.8 in. x 35.83 in. (papel)
58.00 cm. x 76.00 cm. | 22.83 in. x 29.92 in. (imagen)
Slightly yellowed paper
Contrepoints is an emblematic engraving of Friedlander's work: on a dark background, geometric shapes stand out, luminous. The artist excelled in texture effects; squares, stripes, wavelets to animate the shapes.
Friedlander's engraved work explores all the possibilities of printmaking in the service of the artist's rich universe, all in nuances and subtleties.
Summarizing the life of Johnny Friedlander (1912-1992) before the end of the Second World War is quoting the German and then French internment camps in which he was confined. Born German in Silesia (now in Poland), he opposed the Nazi regime very early. After years of struggle and flight, he arrived in Paris in 1937. Two years later, he was arrested and locked up for a few months in the infamous Gurs camp after having joined the English army as a volunteer. The war is not over yet,and he is back in Paris to practice etching. Friedlander was one of the greatest masters of etching in the 20th century. Rare fact; he stopped oil painting from the mid-1930s to 1966, preferring the rich and complex technique of printmaking. In 1950, he founded his own studio, the Hermitage. Zao Wou-ki, Nicolas de Staël, Piza were his students
Anotada "EA"
Firmada a mano por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad
Ref : LCD4019
950.00 €
($984.43 - £790.66 - CHF 898,67)
Disponible en la galería Le Coin des Arts - Le Marais
53, rue de Turenne - 75003 Paris
Tel. : + 33 9 52 29 01 82 -
Tuesday to Saturday, from 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 7pm
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