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Recent Paintings

Libro ilustrado, 1953

Edición : 1350

Editor : Pierre Matisse

Impresor : Mourlot

31.00 cm. x 24.00 cm. | 12.2 in. x 9.45 in. (papel)

Except for the edge, the book is in very good condition.
This catalog of works by Miro, Recent Paintings was edited by Pierre Matisse (1900-1989) in 1953, on the occasion of the exhibition organized for the artist's 60th birthday by Henri Matisse's youngest son, in his New York gallery, opened in 1931. Pierre Matisse played a fundamental role in the diffusion of French artists or artists living on French soil, as well as in the recognition of the so-called primitive arts, alongside the too little known Charles Ratton. Pierre Matisse represented Miro in the United States from 1932.
The gallery owner, close to his artists has always taken care of his publications. This is the case of the one we present.
The text, written in English is due to the pen of James Johnson Sweeney (1900-1986). He was a renowned art historian, curator at the Museum of Modern Art and director of the Guggenheim Museum, and a collector of works by Miro, among others. He has written a remarkable text. The catalog includes numerous reproductions of works, including six in color, all printed at the Mourlot workshop, one of the best for lithography.
This catalog is more than an exhibition catalog, it symbolizes a fascinating moment in artistic life, a synergy between a gallery owner, an artist, and an art historian, in a city, New York, that is becoming increasingly important in the art world and an era rich in reciprocal influences between European and American artists.
The role of Pierre Matisse in this adventure is the subject of a beautiful exhibition in Nice: "Pierre Matisse, an art dealer in New York". Pierre Matisse's role as publisher is particularly highlighted through the presentation of numerous exhibition catalogs and works by "his" artists.

La obra está en buen estado
Certificado de autenticidad

Ref : LCD4494

400.00 €

($430.87 - £343.38 - CHF 389,94)

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Otras Obras de Joan MIRO

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Les Agulles des Pastor, 1973

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Mujeres, Pájaros, Estrella (Litografía) - Joan  MIRO


Mujeres, Pájaros, Estrella, 1960

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Homenatge a Joan Prats, 1975

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AQUARELLES Album "Femmes" Haï-ku, 1968

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La Chouette et l'escargot (Aguafuerte y aguatinta) - Joan  MIRO


La Chouette et l'escargot, 1964

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Paroles Peintes (Aguafuerte y aguatinta) - Joan  MIRO


Paroles Peintes, 1975

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Personatge I Estels V (Aguatinta) - Joan  MIRO


Personatge I Estels V, 1979

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El Marxant de Galls (Litografía) - Joan  MIRO


El Marxant de Galls, 1973

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