Home / All artists / Joan MIRO / Exposition "XXIIe Salon de Mai"


Exposition "XXIIe Salon de Mai"

Lithograph, 1966

Edition : 100 ex.

Publisher : Salon de Mai

Printer : Mourlot

Catalog : [Maeght 432]

67.00 cm. x 52.00 cm. | 26.38 in. x 20.47 in. (paper)

67.00 cm. x 52.00 cm. | 26.38 in. x 20.47 in. (image)

Annotated "Con un abrazo de".
Print before the letter
Paper slightly yellowed

This lithograph, signed by Joan Miro, was used to illustrate the poster for the 22nd Salon de Mai at the Musée d'Art Moderne in Paris in 1966.

The Catalan artist brings together here, with expressive freedom, his pictorial vocabulary. The work is marked by the variation of fine and bold lines, by strokes that form signs typical of the artist, and by primary colours. Despite the disorder and spontaneity at first glance, we notice that the composition is ordered and follows a logical evolution. Miro used to say: "After the spark, the order that builds". Thus, in the centre there is a large red spot which is gradually surrounded by circular shapes. This part is shown through broad black lines. Since 1938, blacks have played an important role in Miro's work. According to the artist, it is important to find "their wavelengths", while the difficulty is to achieve "balance with the other colours". In the outline, at the periphery, the work consists of a "Mirovian" graphic dance that energizes the image with another rhythmic structure. The large format, the freedom of composition that extends to the edge of the sheet, gives this lithography a mural character.

Beyond its strong artistic qualities, this original print bears witness to the history of the famous Salon de Mai founded in Paris in October 1943. For 71 years, this association of painters and sculptors was an important actor in the artistic field. It organised many exhibitions until its end in 2014.

Certificate of authenticity
Artist proof
Very good condition
Handsigned by the artist in pencil

Ref : LCD5560

6 000.00 €

($6,217.46 - £4,993.61 - CHF 5 675,82)

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Available at the gallery Le Coin des Arts - Saint-Germain-des-Prés

6, rue de l’Échaudé - 75006 Paris
Tel. : + 33 1 44 41 12 52 - info@lecoindesarts.com
Monday to Saturday, from 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 7pm
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Two galleries in Paris